Fieldwork in Himalaya and Karakorum
Over 20 scientific expeditions in the Himalayan countries (Pakistan, India, Nepal, Tibet, Xinjiang) since 1993. (ITA) Dal 1993:...
Geological Mapping
Geological maps have been produced from: - Pakistan (Baltistan, Chogo Lungma Region) - Nepal (East Nepal from Rolwaling to the border...
Petrology of metamorphic systems, to infer the tectono-metamorphic evolution of oceaninc and continental crust involved in continental...
Metamorphic CO2 degassing
We focus on the metamorphic decarbonation processes occurring during the Himalayan collision. We aim to clarify: abundance and types of...
Ultra-High Pressure Metamorphism
Petrology of tectonic units subjected to Ultra-High Pressure Metamorphism in the Western Alps of Italy and in Dabie Shan of China....
Geoheritage at the Monviso Massif
The PROGEO-Piemonte project offers an innovative approach for the management and enhancement of the geological heritage of the Piemonte...
How to build an orogen
Studiamo le rocce affioranti nelle catene montuose come i sistemi Alpi-Appennino e Himalaya-Karakorum (catene collisionali) per...