Selected Abstracts
Girault F., France-Lanord C., Adhikari L.B., Upreti B.N., Paudyal K.R., Gajurel A.P., Agrinier P., Losno R., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Thapa S., Tamang S. & Perrier F. - Crustal fluids in the Nepal Himalaya: spatial organization and sensitivity to the earthquake cycle. Book of Abstracts. Congresso SGI-SIMP Torino 19-21 September 2022 https://doi.org/10.3301/ABSGI.2022.02. 717.
Tamang S., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Girault F. & Perrier F. - Dolomite-and magnesite-bearing lithologies from the Upper Lesser Himalayan Sequences: A petrological perspective in the framework of CO2 degassing during collisional orogeny. Book of Abstracts. Congresso SGI-SIMP Torino 19-21 September 2022 https://doi.org/10.3301/ABSGI.2022.02. 726.
Thapa S., Girault F., Deldicque D., France-Lanord C., Groppo C., Rolfo F., Adhikari L.B., Bhattarai M., Paudyal K.R., Losno R. & Perrier F. - Characterization of graphitic schist occurrences in the Nepal Himalaya. Book of Abstracts. Congresso SGI-SIMP Torino 19-21 September 2022 https://doi.org/10.3301/ABSGI.2022.02. 727.
Groppo C., Rolfo F., Frezzotti M. (2021). Fluid immiscibility drives CO2 transport and outgassing during collisional orogeny. Book of Abstracts. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference. EMC 2020, Cracow, Poland. 167.
Tamang S., Groppo C., Rolfo F. (2021). Barrovian metamorphism in the Lesser Himalayan Sequence of central Nepal seen through the eyes of aluminous metapelites. Book of Abstracts. 3rd European Mineralogical Conference. EMC 2020, Cracow, Poland. 384.
Rolfo, F., Groppo, C., Ferrando, S., Rapa, G., Frezzotti, M.L. (2019). The lithosphere beneath an active orogen: petrologic constraints from high-pressure xenoliths in western Tibet. Abstract Volume of the 13th International Eclogite Conference. Petrozavodsk: KRC RAS, 71. ISBN 978-5-9274-0854-2
Rolfo F. (2018). Il geopuzzle a nord del K2. “I processi endogeni ed esogeni che modellano la catena Himalayana”, Milano, 1 Giugno.
Rolfo F. (2016). Eclogiti e scisti blu in Himalaya. “Himalaya, Karakorum e Tibet: approccio multidisciplinare allo studio di un orogene collisionale”, Pisa, 29 Settembre.
Rolfo F., Groppo C., Sachan H.K., Rai S.K. (2015): Petrology of lawsonite-blueschist facies metasediments from the Western Himalaya (Ladakh, NW India). 30th Himalaya-Karakoram-Tibet Workshop, WIHG, Dehradun, India, 6-8 October, Abstract Volume, 10-11.
Rolfo F., Groppo C., Sachan H.K., Rai S.K. (2015): Cold subduction processes in the western Himalaya (Ladakh, NW India): petrological constraints from lawsonite-blueschist facies metasediments. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., Suppl. n. 2 al Vol. 35 (2015) Congresso SIMP-SGI-So.Ge.I-AIV 2015, 30.
Rolfo F., Groppo C., Sachan H.K., Rai S.K. (2015): Lawsonite-blueschist from the western Himalaya (Ladakh, NW India): petrologic witness of cold subduction processes. XI International Eclogite Conference, Dominican Republic, Jan 31 - Feb 7, 2015, Abstract Volume, 89.
Rolfo F., Groppo C., Ferrando S., Costa E., De Stefanis E., Castelli D., Mosca P., Kaphle K.P. (2015). Metamorphic CO2 degassing in the Himalayan orogen from past to present. Workshop “Le geoscienze e il ciclo del carbonio” Milano, 18-19 Febbraio 2015, Volume dei Riassunti, 25.
Rolfo F., Balestro G., Borghi A., Castelli D., Ferrando S., Groppo C., Mosca P., Compagnoni R. (2014): Walking through the Tethys in the Monviso Ophiolite (Piemonte, Italy). Meeting in memory of Piero Elter - The relationships between Northern Apennine and western Alps: state of the art fifty years after the “Ruga del Bracco” - Pisa, June 26-27, 2014, Abstract Volume, 59-61.
Rolfo F., Groppo C., Mosca P., Castelli D. (2014): Probing deep CO2 production in a collisional orogen with petrology. Rend. Online Soc. Geol. It., 31/1, 482.
Rolfo F., Groppo C., Mosca P. (2014): Petrologic assessment of deep CO2 production in the active Himalayan orogen. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences (Special Volume), 136-137.
Rolfo F., Costa E., Destefanis E., Groppo C., Mosca P., Kaphle K.P., Pant B.R. (2014): Preliminary chemical and isotopic characterization of cold and hot-spring waters from Nepal. Journal of Himalayan Earth Sciences (Special Volume), 138-139.
Rolfo F., Groppo C. (2013): Vestiges of high pressure metamorphism in the eastern Himalaya. 10th International Eclogite Conference, September 2-10, 2013, Courmayeur, Italy, Abstract Volume, 106.
Rolfo F., Groppo C., Mosca P., Ferrando S., Costa E., Kaphle K.P. (2012): Looking for metamorphic CO2 degassing in the active Himalayan orogen. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 45, 53.
Rolfo F., Groppo C., Mosca P., Lombardo B. (2012): From low-grade metamorphism to anatexis: a petrologic journey across the eastern Nepal Himalaya and implications for the “channel flow” model. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 45, 54-55.
Rolfo F., Groppo C., Mosca P., Ferrando S., Costa E., Kaphle K.P. (2012): Metamorphic CO2 degassing from the active Himalayan Orogen and its influence on the long-term Global Climate Changes. Sixth National Conference on Science & Technology, NAST, Kathmandu, 25-27 September 2012, Abs. Vol., 213-214.
Rolfo F., Cadoppi P., Balestro G., Belluso E. Benna P., Borghi A., Cámara F., Castelli D, Favero-Longo S.E., Ferrando S., Festa A., Forno M.G., Gattiglio M., Gianotti F., Giardino M, Groppo C., Mosca P., Piervittori R., Rossetti P. (2012): The Monviso massif and the Cottian Alps as symbols of the Alpine chain and geological heritage in Piemonte, Italy. Geologia dell’Ambiente Suppl., 3, 170-171. ISSN: 1591-5352.
Rolfo F. (2011): Ricerche geologico-petrografiche tra Himalaya, Karakorum e Asia centrale. Ardito Desio e le Scienze della Terra a dieci anni dalla scomparsa, Milano, 2 Dicembre 2011.
Rolfo F., Cadoppi P., Balestro G. et al. (2011): The Monviso massif and the Cottian Alps as symbols of the alpine chain in the framework of the “ProGEO-Piemonte” project (geothematic area 1). Geoitalia 2011, Epitome, 4, 133-134.
Rolfo F., Groppo C. & Mosca P. (2011): Low-pressure anatexis in the Higher Himalayan Crystallines of eastern Nepal revealed by cordierite-bearing lithologies. Geoitalia 2011, Epitome, 4, 170.
Rolfo F., Groppo C. & Lombardo B. (2010): The Main Central Thrust Zone in Eastern Nepal explained by petrology. Journal of Nepal Geological Society, 41, 54.
Rolfo F., Carosi R., Montomoli C., Visonà D. (2008): Discovery of granulitized eclogite in North Sikkim expands the Eastern Himalaya high-pressure province. Himalayan Journal of Sciences, 5/7, 126-127.
Rolfo F. & Groppo C. (2007): The Aghil Range: a metamorphic terrane north of Karakorum (SW Sinkiang, China). Epitome, Geoitalia 2007, 2, 445.
Rolfo F., Carosi R., Montomoli C., Visonà D. (2007): Extending the high pressure province in Eastern Himalaya: new finding of granulitized eclogite in North Sikkim. International Eclogite Field Symposium – Lochalsh, Scotland, 29th June – 6th July 2007.
Rolfo F. & Groppo C. (2007): Geology and metamorphism of the Aghil Range between Kun-Lun and Karakorum (SW Sinkiang). 22nd Himalayan-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop – Hong Kong, 22-25 May 2007.
Rolfo F., Carosi R., Montomoli C., Visonà D., Villa I.M. (2006): A geological transect east of Kangchendzonga (north Sikkim, India). Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, 26, 158.
Rolfo F., Ferrando S., Compagnoni R. & Frezzotti M.L. (2005): UHP terranes and fluids in Dabie Shan and Sulu (China). 3rd KAGI21 International Symposium, November 8-10, Wuhan, China, 29.
Rolfo F., Lombardo B. & Mcclelland W. (2005): Geochemistry and Geochronology of E Himalaya Eclogites. Mitt. Österr. Miner. Ges. 150, 7th International Eclogite Conference, Seggau, Austria, 3-9 July, 134.
Rolfo F., McClelland W. & Lombardo B. (2005): Geochronological constraints on the age of the eclogite-facies metamorphism in the Eastern Himalaya. Géologie Alpine, Mémoire H.S. n° 44, 20th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, Aussois, France, 29 March - 01 April, 170.
Rolfo F., Lombardo B., Musumeci G., Pertusati P. & Peruzzo L. (2004): Geology and metamorphism Lhako Kangri metamorphic dome, South Tibet. 32nd International Geological Congress, Florence, August 20-28, 585.
Rolfo F., Lombardo B., Musumeci G., Pertusati P. & Peruzzo L. (2003): The Lhako Kangri metamorphic dome, North Himalaya, Tibet: preliminary structural and petrographic data. GEOITALIA, 4° forum FIST. Bellaria, 16-18 settembre, 263-264.
Rolfo F., Lombardo B., Musumeci G., Pertusati P. & Peruzzo L. (2003): A geological reconnaissance of the North Himalayan Lhako Kangri metamorphic dome. 18th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet international workshop, Switzerland, 2-4 April, Abstract volume, 104.
Rolfo F., Tosoni D. & Compagnoni R. (2001): Geology and petrology of the Austroalpine Châtillon tectonic sliver, Aosta valley, Western Alps. Dalla Tetide alle Alpi - Convegno scientifico in memoria di Giulio Elter. Cogne, Valle d’Aosta, 21-22 giugno 2001, 93-94.
Rolfo F., Lombardo B., D’Anna C. & Mangiapane L. (2001): Metamorphism in the Nepal Himalaya: the Bhote Kosi transect. 3rd Nepal Geological Congress, Kathmandu, 26-28 September.
Rolfo F., D’Anna C., Mangiapane L. & Lombardo B. (2001): A section through the MCT zone, Bhote Kosi valley, Nepal Himalaya. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences, Special Abstracts Issue of the 16th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet Workshop, Austria, 3-5 April 2001, 19-3A, 54-55.
Rolfo F., Compagnoni R., Hirajima T. & Turello R. (2001): Recognizing and mapping a UHP metamorphic terrain: the Southern Dora-Maira Massif (Western Alps). Terra Abstracts, 11th EUG Meeting, Strasbourg, 6/1, 342.
Rolfo F., Lombardo B., Pertusati P. & Visonà D. (2000): Metamorphism in the Lesser Himalayan Crystallines and Main Central Thrust Zone in the Arun Valley and Ama Drime Range (Eastern Himalaya). Earth Science Frontiers (China University of Geosciences, Beijing), 7, 43-44.
Rolfo F., Compagnoni R., Hirajima T. & Turello R. (2000): Geological mapping of a UHP metamorphic terrain: the Southern Dora-Maira Massif, Western Alps. 31th International Geological Congress, Rio de Janeiro.
Rolfo F. & Compagnoni R. (1999) - High and Ultrahigh pressure metamorphic overprint in non-basic lithologies, Dabie Shan, China. Terra Abstracts, 10th EUG Meeting, Strasbourg, 4/1, 702.
Rolfo F., Compagnoni R., Xu S., Wu W., Jiang L., Su W. & Liou Y. (1997) - Garnet-jadeite-quartz/coesite granofels in the Dabie Mountains (eastern China): further evidence for the occurrence of "in situ" ultra-high-pressure metamorphism. Terra Nova, Abstracts supplement, 9/1, 105.
Rolfo F., Compagnoni R., Xu S. & Jiang L. (1997) - First occurrence of talc+kyanite association in a meta-aplite of the UHPM zone of Dabie Shan, China. Terra Nova, Abstracts supplement, 9/1, 30.
Rolfo F., Compagnoni R., Lombardo B. & Visonà D. (1997) - HP-HT coronitic reactions in Metadolerites and Metamorphism of the Higher Himalayan Crystallines in the North-Eastern Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif, Baltistan (N Pakistan). 12th Himalaya-Karakorum-Tibet international workshop, Roma, Abstracts volume, 197-199.
Rolfo F., Compagnoni R., Le Fort P., Lemennicier Y., Lombardo B. & Pêcher A. (1995) - Metamorphic evolution of the NE Nanga Parbat-Haramosh Massif and of the Ladakh Terrain in the Chogo Lungma-Turmik area (Northern Pakistan). Mitteilungen aus dem Geologischen Institut der Eidgenössischen Technischen Hochschule und der Universität Zürich, Neue Folge, 298.